Covered Calls Explained

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Friday, May 20, 2022

Covered Call Option Trading Strategy

The covered call option trading strategy is a popular approach employed by investors looking to generate income from their existing stock holdings. This strategy involves selling call options on stocks that are already owned, allowing traders to collect premiums while potentially profiting from limited stock price appreciation. In this article, we will explore the mechanics of the covered call strategy, its advantages, and important considerations.

Understanding the Covered Call Strategy

The covered call strategy combines stock ownership with the sale of call options. Here's how it works:

  • Stock Ownership: The first step in implementing a covered call strategy is to own the underlying stock. Investors typically choose stocks they are willing to hold in their portfolio for the long term.

  • Call Option Selling: Once the stock is owned, the investor sells call options on the stock. Each call option contract represents the right to buy 100 shares of the underlying stock at a predetermined price, known as the strike price, within a specific time frame.

  • Premium Collection: By selling call options, the investor receives a premium, which is the price paid by the buyer of the options contract. This premium serves as income for the investor and is received upfront.

  • Profit Potential: If the stock price remains below the strike price at the expiration of the call options, they will likely expire worthless. In this case, the investor keeps the premium received, and the stock remains in their possession. They can then choose to sell additional call options to collect more premiums.

  • Limited Profit Ceiling: If the stock price rises above the strike price, the call options may be exercised, and the investor may have to sell the stock at the strike price. While this limits the potential profit from stock price appreciation, the investor still benefits from the premium received.

Advantages of the Covered Call Strategy

The covered call strategy offers several advantages for investors:

  • Income Generation: By selling call options, investors collect premiums, effectively generating income on top of any dividends received from the stock.
  • Reduced Cost Basis: The premiums received from selling call options can offset the cost basis of the underlying stock. This can provide a buffer against potential stock price declines.
  • Limited Downside Protection: The income received from selling call options can act as a cushion in case the stock price experiences a modest decline. The premium collected can help mitigate potential losses.
  • Participation in Upside: While the covered call strategy limits the potential profit from stock price appreciation, investors still benefit from any increase in the stock price up to the strike price.

Case Study

Let's say you own 100 shares of XYZ Company, which is currently trading at $50 per share. You believe that the stock's price will remain relatively stable or have a slight upward movement in the near term.

To generate additional income from your stock holdings, you decide to implement the covered call strategy. Here's how you would execute the strategy:

  • Stock Ownership: You have purchased and already own 100 shares of XYZ Company, you meet the requirement for stock ownership.

  • Call Option Selling: You sell a call option contract on your 100 shares of XYZ Company stock. Let's assume you choose a call option with a strike price of $55 and an expiration date one month from now. By selling the call option, you give the buyer the right to purchase your shares of XYZ Company at the strike price of $55 within the specified time frame.

  • Premium Collection: As the seller of the call option, you receive a premium for entering into the contract. Let's say you receive a premium of $2 per share, totaling $200 ($2 x 100 shares). This premium serves as income for you and is received upfront.

  • Profit Potential: If the stock price remains below the strike price of $55 at the expiration of the call option, the option will likely expire worthless. In this case, you keep the premium received, which is your profit. You still own the shares of XYZ Company and can choose to sell another call option to collect more premiums.

  • Limited Profit Ceiling: If the stock price rises above the strike price of $55, the call option may be exercised, and you may have to sell your shares of XYZ Company at the strike price. In this scenario, your profit is limited to the strike price plus the premium received. If the stock price rises significantly above the strike price, you may miss out on additional potential gains as the stock is called away.

By implementing the covered call strategy, you have generated additional income through the premium received from selling the call option. Even if the stock price remains relatively unchanged, you still benefit from the income received. However, if the stock price increases substantially, you may have to sell your shares, potentially missing out on further price appreciation.

Considerations and Risks

Before implementing the covered call strategy, it's important to consider the following:

  • Stock Selection: Choose stocks that you are comfortable owning for the long term. Focus on stocks with stable or slightly bullish price expectations.
  • Strike Price Selection: Select strike prices that are above the current stock price but reflect a level where you are willing to sell the stock if the options are exercised.
  • Time Horizon: Consider the time frame for which you are willing to commit to the strategy. Options contracts have expiration dates, so choose contracts that align with your investment goals.
  • Opportunity Cost: If the stock price rises significantly above the strike price, the investor may miss out on further potential gains if the stock is called away.
  • Market Risk: The covered call strategy does not protect against general market declines. If the overall market experiences a significant downturn, the stock held may still decline in value.


The covered call option trading strategy is a versatile approach that enables investors to generate income from their existing stock holdings. By combining stock ownership with the sale of call options, investors can collect premiums while potentially profiting from fluctuations of the underlying stock.

Please note that options trading involves risks, and it's advisable to consult with a financial professional or broker before engaging in options trading activities.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice.